Black Gangster Disciples

The Innocent Children

History of BGD
BDG Hierarchy
Music and It's Role in Gangs
The Innocent Children


  • Potentials or "Could-be's."  These are youngsters who are getting close to an age where they might decide to join a gang, live in or close to an area where there are gangs, or have a family member who is involved with gangs. Potentials do not have to join gangs, they can choose alternatives and avoid gangs completely.


  • Claimers, Associates or "Wanna-be's." Average age 11-13 years old, but may vary. These young people are not officially members of the gang but they act, walk, talk, and claim to be from the gang. They may begin to dress in gang attire, hang around with the gang and become involved in some of its activities.


  • Regular Members. Average age 14-17 years old; however could be much older or younger. They are already initiated in to the gang. Tend to back up the hard-core gang members. If they survive long enough, they could become hard-core.